Open source projects

Apart from developing personal projects, I also contribute to open source for making these softwares better to use for the community.


failstodeliver is a Python library to download Fails-to-Deliver Data from the U.S. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION database.

With 8k+ downloads, this library is actively used in the finance industry.

failstodeliver Python Package

failstodeliver GitHub Repository

failstodeliver Download Stats

It is an Application that provides pathways and quizzes along with a code editor to help with Data Structures and Algorithms. I’ve contributed to this repository as part of GirlScript Summer of Code.

I have been contributing to various projects under the Algo Phantoms Organization. This experience required me working with several technologies, some of which are Django, JavaScript, ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Python, and C++.

I have been working on this project for the last couple of months. The project includes using Raspberry Pi 4 to create an Audio Spectrum Analyzer through addressable rgb led strips. Using numpy, pyaudio, scipy, and pyqtgraph I made great progress on my project, though it’ll further take a few weeks to complete.